Fostering Entrepreneurship and Economic Development in Detroit

Jacob Cohen is a partner at DVP, a venture capital firm that invests in early-stage startups. Cohen brings a wealth of experience to the table, having worked in the venture capital industry for over a decade. Prior to joining DVP, Cohen was a partner at Detroit-based venture capital firm Arboretum Ventures.

At DVP, Cohen is responsible for identifying and investing in promising startups in the Detroit area. His focus is on companies that are working to solve real-world problems and have the potential for significant growth. Cohen and the DVP team provide not only funding but also mentorship and resources to help these companies succeed.

DVP’s mission is to empower Detroit’s startups and help revitalize the city’s economy. The firm was founded in 2010 by Dan Gilbert, the founder of Quicken Loans and owner of the Cleveland Cavaliers. Since then, DVP has invested in over 40 companies in a range of industries, including healthcare, fintech, and e-commerce.

One of DVP’s most notable investments is in the Detroit-based e-commerce platform StockX. The company has revolutionized the sneaker resale market by creating a transparent and secure online marketplace for buyers and sellers. DVP was an early investor in StockX and has continued to support the company as it has grown into a billion-dollar business.

In addition to investing in startups, DVP is also committed to supporting the broader startup ecosystem in Detroit. The firm operates a co-working space called Bamboo Detroit, which provides affordable office space and resources for startups. Bamboo Detroit has become a hub for the city’s entrepreneurial community, hosting events and networking opportunities for founders and investors.

Cohen and the DVP team are also involved in various initiatives aimed at promoting entrepreneurship and economic development in Detroit. For example, DVP partners with the Detroit Economic Growth Corporation to provide funding and mentorship to startups through the Motor City Match program. The firm is also a founding partner of Detroit Demo Day, an annual pitch competition that provides funding and exposure to startups in the city.

Detroit’s startup scene has come a long way in recent years, thanks in part to the work of Cohen and DVP. The city has seen a surge in entrepreneurship, with a growing number of startups and incubators popping up across the city. Cohen’s expertise and leadership at DVP have been instrumental in this transformation, as he has helped to identify and support some of the city’s most promising startups.

Looking to the future, Cohen and DVP are committed to continuing to support Detroit’s startup ecosystem. The firm plans to invest in more startups and expand its resources and services for entrepreneurs. With Cohen’s leadership and DVP’s dedication to the city, Detroit’s startup scene is poised to continue its upward trajectory and help drive the city’s economic revival. 

In conclusion, Jacob Cohen’s work as a partner at Detroit Venture Partners has been crucial in fostering entrepreneurship and economic development in Detroit. With his expertise and leadership, Cohen has helped to identify and invest in some of the city’s most promising startups, while also supporting the broader startup ecosystem through initiatives like Bamboo Detroit and Detroit Demo Day. As Detroit continues to reinvent itself, Cohen and DVP will be at the forefront of the city’s startup scene, empowering entrepreneurs and helping to revitalize the local economy.

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