Driving Economic Development in Southwest Detroit

In the world of community development, Marco Andrade Jr. is a name that stands out for his dedication and passion for helping marginalized communities. He is the Economic Development Manager at Southwest Detroit Business Association (SDBA), a non-profit organization that works towards the economic development and revitalization of Southwest Detroit.

As the Economic Development Manager, Marco Andrade Jr. leads the economic development strategy of the organization, focusing on creating jobs, supporting small businesses, and promoting investment in the area. He also manages the implementation of programs and projects that support these objectives.

Marco Andrade Jr. has been instrumental in the success of many of SDBA’s initiatives, such as the Motor City Match program, which provides funding and technical assistance to entrepreneurs and small business owners in Detroit. He has also played a key role in the development of the Southwest Detroit Greenlink, a network of green spaces and bike paths that connects residents to community assets.

Prior to joining SDBA, Marco Andrade Jr. worked in the City of Detroit’s Planning and Development Department, where he gained extensive experience in economic development and community engagement. He also holds a Master’s degree in Urban Planning from Wayne State University.

At SDBA, Marco Andrade Jr. works closely with the community, stakeholders, and local businesses to ensure that the organization’s economic development strategy aligns with the needs and priorities of the community. He is a firm believer in community-driven development and works tirelessly to ensure that the voices of residents and small business owners are heard and incorporated into SDBA’s initiatives.

In addition to his work at SDBA, Marco Andrade Jr. is also a member of several community organizations, including the Mexicantown Community Development Corporation and the Southwest Detroit Environmental Vision. He is committed to making Southwest Detroit a better place to live, work, and do business, and his work at SDBA is a testament to his dedication and passion.

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